Core Values

Wise Ability, we understand that embodying these core values is not merely a checkbox exercise but a fundamental aspect of our identity and purpose

In the ever-evolving landscape of enterprise and individual development, one constant remains essential: core values. These foundational principles shape the ethos and character of organizations and individuals alike, guiding actions, decisions, and interactions. At Wise Ability, we recognize the profound significance of core values in fostering a culture of integrity, excellence, and purpose.

It is with immense gratitude that we extend our heartfelt appreciation to Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat, whose visionary leadership and unwavering commitment have laid the groundwork for our journey. Dr. Bhat’s establishment of the comprehensive guide known as the 28COE Core Values has served as a beacon of inspiration and guidance for us all. Through his insights and wisdom, he has empowered us to embrace a set of values that resonate deeply with our mission and vision.

The 28COE Core Values, meticulously crafted by Dr. Bhat and his esteemed team, encapsulate the essence of entrepreneurial spirit and ethical conduct. From integrity and accountability to innovation and collaboration, these values encapsulate the ideals that drive success and fulfillment in both business and life. We are honored to align ourselves with these principles and integrate them into the fabric of our organization.

At Wise Ability, we understand that embodying these core values is not merely a checkbox exercise but a fundamental aspect of our identity and purpose. They serve as our North Star, guiding us through challenges, inspiring us to reach new heights, and reminding us of the importance of staying true to our principles in all endeavors.

Dr. Bhat’s vision and leadership have not only provided us with a roadmap for success but have also instilled within us a sense of responsibility and duty to uphold these values in everything we do. As we navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape, we remain steadfast in our commitment to integrity, excellence, and ethical conduct.

Moreover, we recognize the collective effort of the entire 28 Credentials of Entrepreneur team in bringing Dr. Bhat’s vision to fruition. Their dedication, passion, and collaborative spirit have been instrumental in shaping the 28COE Core Values into a comprehensive framework for entrepreneurial success.

Each of the 28COE Core Values Holds Significant Meaning And Relevance In Our Journey


Integrity forms the bedrock of our character and actions, guiding us to uphold honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct in all endeavors. It means staying true to our principles, even when faced with challenges or temptations. Integrity builds trust and credibility, fostering strong relationships with stakeholders and the community. At its core, integrity is about doing the right thing, even when no one is watching, and adhering to our moral compass without compromise.


Boldness is the courage to step outside our comfort zones, embrace risks, and pursue innovative solutions. It fuels our creativity and drives us to challenge the status quo, daring to dream big and defy conventional wisdom. Boldness empowers us to seize opportunities, confront obstacles head-on, and make impactful decisions with confidence. It is the catalyst for transformation and growth, propelling us towards new horizons and inspiring others to follow suit.


Honesty is the cornerstone of trust and integrity, forming the foundation of authentic relationships and ethical conduct. It entails being truthful and transparent in our communications and actions, even when faced with difficult circumstances or consequences. Honesty cultivates credibility and respect, fostering a culture of openness and accountability within organizations and communities. By embracing honesty, we honor our commitments, build trust with others, and uphold the values of integrity and authenticity.


Trustworthiness is the currency of relationships, essential for building credibility, loyalty, and rapport with others. It encompasses reliability, consistency, and integrity in our words and actions, ensuring that others can depend on us to fulfill our obligations and commitments. Trustworthiness is earned through demonstrating honesty, transparency, and accountability in all interactions, fostering a sense of confidence and security among stakeholders. It is the cornerstone of effective leadership, teamwork, and collaboration, creating a conducive environment for growth and success.


Accountability is the cornerstone of responsibility and integrity, driving individuals and organizations to take ownership of their actions, decisions, and outcomes. It entails honoring commitments, meeting obligations, and accepting consequences for our choices, whether positive or negative. Accountability fosters transparency and trust, as individuals demonstrate reliability and dependability in fulfilling their duties. By holding ourselves and others answerable for our behavior and performance, we create a culture of accountability that promotes excellence, integrity, and continuous improvement. In organizations, accountability ensures alignment with goals and objectives, driving productivity, efficiency, and success.


Learning is the pathway to growth, enlightenment, and personal development. It embodies the continuous pursuit of knowledge, skills, and experiences that expand our horizons and enrich our lives. Embracing a mindset of lifelong learning empowers us to adapt to change, innovate, and thrive in dynamic environments. It fuels curiosity, creativity, and resilience, enabling us to overcome challenges and seize opportunities for growth. By embracing learning as a fundamental value, we cultivate a culture of innovation, excellence, and continuous improvement within ourselves and our organizations.

Community Of Customer Experience:

A Community of Customer Experience is a collective commitment to prioritizing the needs, satisfaction, and well-being of customers. It encompasses building meaningful relationships, understanding their preferences, and delivering exceptional experiences that exceed expectations. By fostering a community dedicated to customer-centricity, organizations can create loyalty, advocacy, and long-term value for their clientele. This involves active listening, responsiveness, and empathy towards customers’ concerns and feedback, driving continuous improvement and innovation in products and services.


Passion ignites the spark of inspiration, motivation, and purpose in our endeavors. It is the driving force behind our actions, fueling our enthusiasm, determination, and resilience in pursuing our goals. Passion fuels creativity, innovation, and excellence, as individuals channel their energy and talents towards meaningful pursuits. It sustains us through challenges and setbacks, propelling us towards success and fulfillment. By nurturing passion within ourselves and our teams, we cultivate a culture of engagement, commitment, and excellence that fuels growth and success.

Culture Of Fun

A Culture of Fun celebrates joy, camaraderie, and positivity in the workplace. It creates an environment where individuals feel valued, motivated, and engaged, fostering teamwork, creativity, and innovation. By incorporating elements of fun, humor, and playfulness into daily routines and activities, organizations can enhance morale, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. A culture of fun encourages open communication, collaboration, and creativity, fueling productivity and performance. It promotes a sense of belonging and community, strengthening bonds between team members and creating a vibrant and dynamic work culture.


Discipline is the cornerstone of consistency, focus, and self-mastery in achieving our goals. It involves setting clear objectives, establishing routines, and adhering to deadlines and commitments with diligence and determination. Discipline cultivates resilience, perseverance, and grit, enabling individuals to overcome obstacles and stay on course despite challenges or distractions. By instilling discipline in our personal and professional lives, we foster habits of excellence, productivity, and success. It empowers us to make intentional choices, prioritize tasks, and allocate resources effectively, maximizing our potential and achieving desired outcomes.

Community of Ownership

A Community of Ownership fosters a sense of responsibility, accountability, and empowerment among individuals within an organization. It encourages everyone to take ownership of their roles, tasks, and contributions, ensuring alignment with organizational goals and objectives. By cultivating a culture where every member feels invested in the success of the collective, organizations can unleash the full potential of their teams and drive innovation, collaboration, and performance. A community of ownership promotes autonomy, initiative, and engagement, empowering individuals to make decisions, take risks, and contribute meaningfully to the organization’s success. It fosters a culture of trust, respect, and collaboration, where everyone works together towards shared goals and outcomes.

Result Oriented

Being result-oriented means focusing on outcomes and delivering tangible results that align with objectives and expectations. It involves setting clear goals, developing action plans, and executing strategies effectively to achieve desired outcomes. Being result-oriented requires accountability, perseverance, and a commitment to excellence in performance. By prioritizing outcomes over activities, individuals and organizations can drive progress, innovation, and continuous improvement. Result orientation fosters a culture of accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness, where individuals take ownership of their work and strive for excellence in everything they do. It promotes a mindset of continuous learning and adaptation, as individuals seek to optimize processes and achieve better outcomes over time.

Constant Improvement

Constant improvement is the ongoing pursuit of excellence through continuous learning, growth, and innovation. It involves seeking opportunities for improvement, identifying areas for development, and implementing changes to enhance performance and outcomes. Constant improvement requires a growth mindset, adaptability, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. By embracing a culture of continuous improvement, individuals and organizations can drive innovation, increase efficiency, and stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing environment. Constant improvement fosters a culture of excellence, collaboration, and empowerment, where individuals are encouraged to take risks, experiment, and learn from their experiences. It promotes a sense of ownership and accountability for driving positive change and achieving organizational goals.


Leadership is the ability to inspire, influence, and guide others towards a common vision or goal. It involves setting a clear direction, motivating others, and empowering them to achieve their full potential. Leadership requires vision, integrity, and effective communication skills to inspire trust and confidence in others. By leading by example and fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation, leaders can create an environment where individuals feel valued, motivated, and empowered to contribute their best. Leadership is not limited to formal roles or positions; it can emerge at all levels of an organization, as individuals step up to take initiative and drive positive change. Effective leadership fosters a culture of trust, respect, and accountability, where everyone feels empowered to contribute to the organization’s success.

Hard Work

Hard work is the dedication, perseverance, and effort required to achieve success and accomplish goals. It involves putting in the time, energy, and focus needed to overcome challenges, learn new skills, and make progress towards objectives. Hard work requires discipline, resilience, and a willingness to push beyond comfort zones to reach higher levels of performance. By embracing a strong work ethic and committing to excellence in everything they do, individuals can unlock their full potential and achieve their aspirations. Hard work fosters a sense of pride, accomplishment, and fulfillment, as individuals see the results of their efforts and contributions. It is a fundamental value that drives progress, innovation, and success in both personal and professional endeavors.


Diversity encompasses the inclusion of individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. It celebrates uniqueness and recognizes the value of diverse experiences, ideas, and contributions. Embracing diversity fosters creativity, innovation, and resilience within organizations, as it brings together a wide range of perspectives and talents. By promoting diversity and inclusion, organizations can create a vibrant and dynamic work environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their best. Diversity drives collaboration, problem-solving, and decision-making, leading to better outcomes and performance. It also strengthens relationships, builds trust, and enhances cultural competence, enabling organizations to thrive in an increasingly global and interconnected world.


Innovation is the process of creating new ideas, products, or solutions that address challenges and meet the needs of individuals or organizations. It involves thinking creatively, challenging assumptions, and exploring new possibilities to drive progress and change. Innovation drives growth, competitiveness, and sustainability within organizations, as it enables them to adapt to changing market dynamics and seize opportunities for growth. By fostering a culture of innovation, organizations can inspire creativity, experimentation, and collaboration among their employees. Innovation also encourages risk-taking, learning from failure, and continuous improvement, driving breakthroughs and advancements in products, services, and processes. It is a catalyst for transformation and success, enabling organizations to stay ahead of the curve and thrive in today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape.


Quality is the commitment to excellence and the continuous pursuit of perfection in everything we do. It involves delivering products, services, and experiences that meet or exceed customer expectations and standards of excellence. Quality is essential for building trust, loyalty, and satisfaction among customers, as it reflects the organization’s dedication to delivering value and meeting their needs. By prioritizing quality in all aspects of operations, organizations can enhance their reputation, differentiate themselves from competitors, and drive customer loyalty and retention. Quality also drives efficiency, productivity, and innovation within organizations, as it fosters a culture of continuous improvement and excellence. It is a fundamental value that underpins success and sustainability in today’s competitive business environment.


Teamwork is the collaborative effort of individuals working together towards a common goal or objective. It involves sharing ideas, resources, and responsibilities to achieve collective success. Teamwork fosters communication, trust, and mutual respect among team members, enabling them to leverage each other’s strengths and expertise. By promoting teamwork, organizations can enhance creativity, innovation, and problem-solving capabilities within their teams. Teamwork also improves morale, engagement, and job satisfaction among employees, as it fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie. It enables organizations to achieve greater efficiency, productivity, and effectiveness in achieving their goals and objectives. Teamwork is a fundamental value that drives success and excellence in today’s interconnected and collaborative work environment.


Simplicity is the art of keeping things clear, straightforward, and easy to understand. It involves removing unnecessary complexity and focusing on what is essential to achieve desired outcomes. Embracing simplicity allows organizations to streamline processes, reduce waste, and improve efficiency. It also enhances communication, decision-making, and problem-solving, as it enables individuals to grasp concepts more easily and make informed choices. By prioritizing simplicity in products, services, and operations, organizations can enhance user experience, increase satisfaction, and drive loyalty. Simplicity fosters clarity, transparency, and agility within organizations, enabling them to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and customer needs. It is a fundamental value that promotes efficiency, effectiveness, and innovation in today’s fast-paced and dynamic business environment.

Collaboration & Partnership

Collaboration and partnership involve working together with others to achieve common goals or objectives. It requires communication, trust, and mutual respect among participants, as well as a willingness to share resources, knowledge, and expertise. Collaboration and partnership enable organizations to leverage complementary strengths and capabilities, driving innovation, and creating value for all stakeholders. By fostering collaboration and partnership, organizations can achieve greater efficiency, effectiveness, and impact in addressing complex challenges and opportunities. Collaboration also promotes learning, creativity, and synergy, as it brings together diverse perspectives and experiences. It enables organizations to pool their resources and talents, enabling them to achieve more together than they could individually. Collaboration and partnership are essential values that underpin success and sustainability in today’s interconnected and interdependent world.


Idealism is the belief in pursuing noble ideals and principles, even in the face of challenges or obstacles. It involves striving for excellence, integrity, and ethical conduct in all endeavors, guided by a vision of a better future. Idealism inspires individuals and organizations to pursue higher goals and aspirations, driving innovation, and positive change. By embracing idealism, organizations can create a culture of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment, where individuals are motivated to make a difference and leave a lasting impact. Idealism fosters creativity, innovation, and resilience, as it encourages individuals to think beyond the status quo and envision new possibilities. It also promotes collaboration, empathy, and compassion, as it emphasizes the importance of working together to create a better world for all. Idealism is a fundamental value that inspires hope, optimism, and progress in today’s challenging and uncertain times.


Courage is the willingness to take bold action and face challenges, risks, and uncertainties with resilience and determination. It involves stepping outside of one’s comfort zone, confronting fears and doubts, and pursuing goals and aspirations with conviction and perseverance. Courage enables individuals and organizations to overcome obstacles, seize opportunities, and achieve meaningful success. By embracing courage, organizations can foster a culture of innovation, resilience, and growth, where individuals are empowered to take calculated risks and pursue ambitious goals. Courage also promotes authenticity, leadership, and integrity, as it encourages individuals to stand up for what they believe in and make a positive difference in the world. It is a fundamental value that empowers individuals to unlock their full potential and make a lasting impact on their organizations and communities.


Unselfishness is the act of putting the needs and interests of others before one’s own, without expecting anything in return. It involves empathy, compassion, and generosity towards others, as well as a willingness to share resources, support, and assistance. Unselfishness fosters a culture of collaboration, trust, and reciprocity within organizations, enabling individuals to work together towards common goals and objectives. By embracing unselfishness, organizations can create a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and appreciated. Unselfishness also promotes teamwork, camaraderie, and morale, as it encourages individuals to support and uplift each other in times of need. It is a fundamental value that strengthens relationships, builds trust, and fosters a sense of belonging and community within organizations. Unselfishness is essential for creating a culture of empathy, compassion, and kindness, where individuals can thrive and succeed together.


Entitlement is the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges, benefits, or special treatment, without having to earn or justify them. It involves a sense of entitlement, arrogance, and self-centeredness, as well as a lack of humility, gratitude, and appreciation for others. Entitlement undermines teamwork, collaboration, and morale within organizations, as it breeds resentment, jealousy, and division among team members. By contrast, humility, gratitude, and a willingness to earn one’s place through hard work and dedication foster a culture of respect, appreciation, and cooperation within organizations. Entitlement is a toxic mindset that hinders personal growth, professional development, and organizational success. It is essential for individuals to recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and to strive to contribute positively to their teams and communities, rather than expecting special treatment or privileges based on entitlement. In summary, humility, gratitude, and a willingness to earn one’s place through hard work and dedication foster a culture of respect, appreciation, and cooperation within organizations.

Self Respect

Self-respect is the recognition and appreciation of one’s own worth, dignity, and value as a human being. It involves treating oneself with kindness, compassion, and respect, and refusing to tolerate mistreatment, disrespect, or abuse from others. Self-respect is essential for personal well-being, happiness, and fulfillment, as it enables individuals to set healthy boundaries, prioritize their needs, and pursue their goals and aspirations with confidence and conviction. By cultivating self-respect, individuals can develop a positive self-image, self-esteem, and self-confidence, enabling them to overcome challenges, setbacks, and obstacles with resilience and determination. Self-respect also promotes assertiveness, empowerment, and authenticity, as it encourages individuals to stand up for themselves and advocate for their rights and interests. It is a fundamental value that empowers individuals to live with integrity, authenticity, and self-assurance, enabling them to navigate life’s challenges with grace and dignity.

Client Value Creation

Client value creation is the process of delivering products, services, and experiences that meet or exceed customer expectations and create long-term value for clients. It involves understanding customer needs, preferences, and pain points, and developing tailored solutions that address their specific challenges and goals. Client value creation is essential for building trust, loyalty, and satisfaction among clients, as it demonstrates the organization’s commitment to delivering value and meeting their needs. By prioritizing client value creation, organizations can differentiate themselves from competitors, drive customer loyalty and retention, and generate positive word-of-mouth referrals and recommendations. Client value creation also drives innovation, growth, and profitability within organizations, as it fosters a culture of customer-centricity, continuous improvement, and excellence. It is a fundamental value that underpins success and sustainability in today’s competitive and customer-driven business environment.

One Global Network

One Global Network is the vision of a connected and inclusive world where individuals and organizations collaborate, communicate, and share resources and knowledge to achieve common goals and objectives. It involves breaking down barriers, bridging divides, and fostering connections and partnerships across geographic, cultural, and organizational boundaries. One Global Network promotes collaboration, innovation, and mutual understanding among individuals and organizations, enabling them to leverage each other’s strengths and expertise to address global challenges and opportunities. By embracing One Global Network, organizations can tap into a diverse and expansive network of resources, ideas, and perspectives, enabling them to achieve greater impact and success in their endeavors. One Global Network also promotes inclusivity, diversity, and equality, as it encourages individuals and organizations to work together towards a shared vision of a better world for all. It is a fundamental value that transcends borders and boundaries, uniting people and organizations in a common purpose and mission.

Unlock the power of the 28COE Core Values Book

A transformative asset for individuals and enterprises alike, endorsed by Wise Ability. Embrace these invaluable principles for personal and professional growth, freely available on our website. Don’t miss the chance to elevate your journey with our limited-time offer on hard copies – discounted prices await (*T&C Apply). From kids to adults, these timeless values resonate across generations, empowering you to thrive in today’s dynamic world. Seize this opportunity to instill integrity, passion, and innovation into every aspect of your life. Join us in embracing the essence of success and fulfillment – get your copy now and embark on a journey of inspiration and empowerment.

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